Suzanne Marie Hopping
Suzanne Marie Hopping

    Without blinking, she climbs up on the big trampoline and does a flying somersault. "Yes - I go to trampoline class. There is another person on the team who is a little older - he's 24!"

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    She recently adopted a 3-year-old, ex-racing greyhound, named "Suddenly Trendy". It is now renamed Alice Pearl.

    Suzanne is a graphic designer by profession who has worked in publishing for many years. After working as Art Director on the Australian edition of Cosmopolitan Magazine for 12 years, she moved on to other challenges and is now pursuing a career in freelance. 

    "My interpretation of a People's Bead was to come up with a subject that connects, involves and resonates with every person on earth in some way. I wanted to transcend genders and generations so that both men and women of all ages would be proud to wear it.

    Peace is something I hold close to my heart as my mum and dad met in a prisoner of war camp in Germany, during World War II, and I am very well aware of the suffering they went through. Not in a million years did I expect to win the competition!"


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